Monthly Archives: November 2012

What the Republican Party Must Do To Return to Power

We all know the results of Tuesday’s election. No question. But why were so many more Republicans losers in this economy with such an unpopular president?

Social conservatives. Mourdock, Akin, Romney and Ryan just weren’t the right guys for the job. They believed the president was unpopular for the whole-politician-concept. He’s not. And he was vulnerable, so were the Democrats, so what happened?

Dim bulbs listened to Fox News and Limbaugh, thinking because they’re popular, that’s what a majority of the Electoral College voters would be thinking. They’re not.

The average voter doesn’t realize how bad things are economically and that the key sources of the economic troubles, namely politicians of both parties, the banks, corporations and Federal Reserve, were presenting themselves as solutions.

Far be it from me to go “Wreck It Ralph” on this one, but how exactly are the people who caused the issues going to solve them and why would I trust them to do so without unstoppable repercussions that are much worse?

My bet is they can’t. Regardless of how bad things really are, the average voter has been told their whole life the government can stimulate economies in any circumstance by both politicians who use these arguments to promise government money to make life better for everyone and a press that tends to go along with government narratives rather than get along but still question and report everything.

It’s collusion-in-effect, that or they’re all really stupid and even they don’t realize how bad things are. I say this with the assumption my readers actually do comprehend how bad things are economically for the nation, I don’t believe I have a monopoly on the information, not by any means.

What happened to cause the GOP to lose was they assumed the unpopularity of the Democrats leading up to the election was social issues. It wasn’t, but they were played by the Democrat politicians into the arena of social issues. I have to give it to the Democrats, they played this one perfectly.

Most of America still cares about social issues, I assume most have views similar to mine, namely:

Late-term voluntary non-triage abortion is the only form of abortion that should be criminalized, science supports this and the right can live with the fact only potential life is protected, not valid life. The point at which a fetus could survive without gestation.

Gay marriage and civil unions aren’t anything the federal government should be involved with, period. The states are gradually coming around on this issue, and I realize that’s not fast enough for the politically-active, but so what? Civil rights for blacks took decades and you want it immediately from the feds? Why not just keep pushing to educate people, recognizing that the government changes to reflect the people, not vice versa?

Gun control is a bad idea for the federal government to get involved with, just based on their complete inability to do nearly anything else right, federal prohibitions on anything have a tendency to empower organized crime. The states can handle it. I live in Colorado, despite Aurora and Columbine, I still don’t want D.C. making things worse. The more educated and responsible gun owners we have amongst us, the less problematic the firearms will be for the society.

Foreign Policy and Economics are the areas in which the Republican Party must differ from Democrats. The Democrats are the pro-war party historically. We forget, but Democrats put us into everything before Reagan, with the exception of Lincoln, anyway. Take a look through history, Wilson in WWI, FDR in WWII, Truman in Korea and Kennedy gets the call for Vietnam.

So why not let them keep the pro-war agenda and at least pull back the troops from Europe and Asia (except South Korea anyway, though that situation could benefit from some analysis also) and reopen the bases they closed as Reserve or Guard bases? There’s no reason not to at least outspend the rest of the world combined on defense spending in our own country, is there?

I wouldn’t feel any less safe on a global scale if the boys and girls in Europe came home, would you? We have 11 Aircraft Carrier groups, Italy and Spain each have 2, they’re tied globally for 2nd in total carriers.

And on Economics, I seriously think the Independent, Third Party and Unaffiliated voters would be inclined to lean to the right on Economics. They want a fiscal conservative to vote for, maybe not Ron Paul’s call for sound money so much, since so few understand that, but a fiscally responsible candidate would appeal to them very much, as long as he didn’t come with the “legitimate rape” stigma.

On the issue of the drug war, I seriously think most people would be fine with allowing the states to decide which drugs are safe and which aren’t. There’s so little justification for federal involvement on this issue, particularly when compared to how well they’ve executed every other war.


Filed under Colorado, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Fort Collins, Gun Control, Libertarians, Marijuana, National Politics