Monthly Archives: December 2011

Bill O’Reilly, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Dick Morris and Sean Hannity vs. Neil Cavuto, Jon Stewart and Ron Paul

As news emerged of Ron Paul’s slow but sure ascent to the top of the Iowa polls, the mainstream media’s efforts to undermine his legitimacy as a candidate slowly accelerated in intensity and rate. For the last several years such luminaries as Charles Krauthammer, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Christopher Wallace and Bret Baier have repeatedly stated without wavering, “Ron Paul is unelectable.” Look no further than Jersey’s own Donald Trump to say Ron Paul can’t win an election (note to the Donald, he’s won 12).

However, just this week, Dick Morris, Republican strategist and former Clinton adviser, had the temerity to say during a radio interview that anyone who supports Ron Paul cannot be a patriot. Yet the military troops donate more to Ron Paul than the rest of the GOP candidates combined. Dick, as my father once said the universe  has a way of making sure the name lands on the right people, first starts by attacking Ron Paul’s views on the Patriot Act.

The unpopularity of the Patriot Act comes from the obvious conclusion most of us reached in 2001, it’s unconstitutional. You would think judging from the way Fox News conducts business, only Democrats want to bypass the Constitution to further their social agenda. Problem is, both parties are culpable in both the recent NDAA which allows for the indefinite detention of Americans without trial, charge or counsel and the Patriot Act. They have subverted the 4th, 5th & 6th Amendments.

Here’s the audio, fast forward to 16:04. What follows is the most idiotic, fearful and prejudiced diatribe on Ron Paul you are likely to ever hear. This goes well beyond the usual, “Ron Paul is unelectable.”

Dick Lives Up To His Name

Dick Morris and the Republican Party are so fearful Ron Paul will win the nomination and take the Oval Office out of the hands of their banking and corporate masters, they have descended into the most hateful attack methods we’ve seen so far. But Morris is dead wrong. Ron Paul did not flame his way to the top like a meteor. His message has won through consistency, persistence and education. The more people learn about the message of liberty, the more they tell their friends. As Gerald Celente predicted, 2012 will be the year of the internet candidate. Followed by some pretty negative news about the economy.

Out the heart of darkness known as Fox News arises Neil Cavuto with a coherent, intelligent, fair and reasoned response to the protectionism of the two-party system Fox News is perpetuating against the anti-establishment and threat to the status quo, Ron Paul. I wouldn’t be even mildly surprised to learn the rest of the channel is taking their orders from on high at Murder Inc. with Rupert Murdoch prone to see a significant decrease in income should Ron Paul win the election.

Not to mention the Republican Party itself despises the message of equality and liberty coming from the Champion of the Constitution after a decade of neoconservative guano crazy governance.

Witness Neil asserting fair and balanced from a channel known for anything but those:

All Ron Paul has asked for and deserves is a chance to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the candidates and the media has decreed themselves the experts on who can or can’t win the election. They have created an ignorant circular logic for their reasoning both in withholding debate time from him during the majority of debates, at one point speaking for 89 seconds of a debate hosted by CBS. Paul isn’t alone in this treatment, though he has been the most victimized, receiving fewer questions and less time than Rick Santorum, the poster boy for bigotry and hatred and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a respectable Republican if ever there was one but consistently in the bottom 3 of polls.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson was told by the New Hampshire Republican Party he hadn’t met their standards for fund raising and poll numbers, thus he wouldn’t be invited to the debate. Johnson’s views are nearly identical to Ron Paul’s, keep this in mind. But what’s nauseating about that philosophy is funds raising and poll numbers are generated from debate performances, as witnessed by the stomach-turning former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich’s policies views are significantly further to the left of center, but his antagonistic approach to the debate mediators, a strong speaking presence and some form of petroleum-based charisma resulted in a bump for him in the polls and fundraising once-darling of the media Herman Cain jumped off the bridge to nowhere with his past wrapped around his neck.

Gingrich’s hypocrisy is truly astounding, yet Wolf Blitzer was nearly wetting himself with anticipation during the CNN debate Blitzer moderated and though the voters would rather vote for anyone other than Romney, he’s received about as much scrutiny from Fox News as the Moon landing.

Perry’s campaign sinks a little further every time he’s called on in a debate and his choices in hunting locations have given rise to some legitimate questions. Michele Bachmann’s hatred for 20 percent of the world’s population doesn’t carry well with the more tolerant Republicans and doesn’t resonate at all with the younger voters in most demographics.

So surprise, surprise, the media uses this week’s rise in Ron Paul’s poll numbers to bring up the old allegations of racism. Some newsletters of Paul’s written in the late 80s and 90s contained inflammatory language with racial statements. Paul has repeatedly disavowed the newsletters as having been ghostwritten and he has ad nauseum, stated he doesn’t support the statements.

Naturally, answering the question multiple times indicates to the press that you must be hiding something, so he was asked again by a CNN reporter this week. He gave the same answer, she asked again, he answered again then became frustrated with the process and ended the interview. It was nothing dramatic and nothing unexpected, the Congressman needs to mentally and emotionally prepare himself for these attacks as he represents a much bigger threat to the establishment than Bill Clinton ever did and we all know that Slick Willy never inhaled.

Regardless, Paul’s supporters so effectively lauded Cavuto for his stand against the media choosing involvement in the nomination process, over their appropriate role of reporting the events of the process, he responded Wednesday night.

I cannot say this any clearer, the press & government are complicit in the corporatism rampant in D.C. The corporations certainly play their part, but it takes a malleable press and a compliant political class for things to get as out of hand as they have. Now we have a candidate running on the platform of principles & Constitutional adherence. And the press can’t attack him enough.

Decide for yourselves if Ron Paul deserves your vote. Ask yourself if you want another corporate puppet like Gingrich or Romney, the two candidates crowned as “electable” by the press, running against the Goldman Sachs puppet currently in the Oval Office.

Do you want the Constitution as a punchline for politicians or do you want the Constitution as a restriction on the federal government? Do you want a press to tell you who they want running the country?

Do you think there’s something wrong when one personality at a major cable news network is standing up for fairness and eradication of bias? How screwed up are we when Jon Stewart really has become a voice of reason in the political sphere?

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Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Bradley Manning; Ron Paul First in Iowa Despite Fox News and the Republican Party; Kim Jong Il Calls in Dead and Tim Tebow Carries On

There once was a time in America when the goings on of government were reported with somewhat acceptable accuracy, analysis was conducted by writers and broadcast personalities and the product fed to the American people, though several days or weeks behind, was somewhat useful.

(Snicker) Sorry, I can’t believe I actually wrote that sentence. At any rate, the founding fathers recognized that in order for the people to hold their government accountable, the press needed to have protections from government in order to provide such information. Admittedly, they occasionally screwed everything up with a Sedition or Espionage or other form of act which severely intruded upon the freedom of the press, but they at least had the right to report, even if the government controlled the information quite well.

Fast forward a little over two centuries and the government has written so many laws to protect what they do behind closed doors, it’s a miracle when anything even mildly controversial slips out. Hence the uproar over Army Pfc. Bradley Manning allegedly providing modern miracle Wikileaks with massive amounts of information the federal government has been, shall we say, embarrassed as hell to have see the light of day.

Manning has reportedly been treated quite shoddily by his guards since he was placed in pre-trial confinement in May 2010. This isn’t much of a surprise, the military is second-to-none in their ability to indoctrinate enlisted and officer alike into believing the agency is benevolent and to allow civilians to know what happens in combat should be considered treasonous.

Though I certainly support virtually any non-violent attempt to overthrow the government at present, the reality is Manning admitted to transferring information to the fine folks at Wikileaks and though the words and gestures of the US government and Army were certainly undermined by the release, the information thus far has proven mostly embarrassing, not dangerous.

When we allow someone who brought to light questionable behavior on behalf of our government that otherwise would not have been known, there are issues. Anytime an entity begins to behave as heresy against them is possible, the entity has grown too far and they take themselves far too seriously.

Speaking of heresy, this poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, indicates Ron Paul has climbed into sole possession of first place in Iowa. Despite the desires, wishes and intent of the Republican Party and Fox News, the GOP’s propaganda arm, Paul’s popularity is continuing its steady growth and Gerald Celente’s prediction that 2012 would be the year of the internet candidate, is proving true.

Regardless of the statist leanings of both parties with an appropriations bill passed last week allowing for the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial, charge or counsel; and now SOPA granting authority over the internet to the federal government, many Americans on the periphery of politics were jarred out of their slumber last week and have remembered the Constitution is a limit on the federal government and a protection for the people, not the starting point on government power Congress believes it to be.

Fox News blogger John Leboutillier believes Gingrich’s support was coming from the primary voters who aren’t very happy with the Republican Party. The problem is, the Party would love to see Gingrich win the nomination. Read the blog here.

However, Friday evening Ron Paul visited the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and knocked his interview out of the park. He was followed by Joe Rogan, who wholeheartedly endorsed the Congressman from Texas, but it was refreshing to see how well Ron Paul explains his policies and how well he understands the effects of the interconnected activities of the federal government. Paul’s appearance bolstered his Tea Party Day moneybomb and he raised over $4 million during the weekend.

As if Sunday weren’t news heavy already, news from North Korea, Supreme Extraterrestrial Dictator For Eternity Kim Jong Il suffered a heart attack Friday morning aboard a train and was announced dead to the world Sunday afternoon.

The effect his death will have in the nation and region will remain unknown as his youngest son and daughter were poised to take control. His son is rumored to be just as ruthless.

And with the fall of a notorious dictator came the fall of a popular Denver sports team Sunday afternoon when New England’s Patriots came into Denver and beat the Broncos. This was no small feat as Tom Brady & Bill Belichick have losing records to only one franchise in the NFL, and that’s the Broncos. Tebow actually played well and was humble as the week before during his post-game press conference.

Saturday Night Live put together a relatively funny skit for the first time in a while. Though I don’t think it’s entirely fair to Tim Tebow, the media haven’t been terribly accurate in their reporting either (surprise). Enjoy.

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Ron Paul’s Performance at Republican Debate Highlights Flaws of Christopher Hitchens’ Philosophy

Christopher Hitchens was quite outspoken about the danger he foresaw were an extremist theocracy such as Iran to attain a nuclear weapon while at the same time, he supported the Iranian people’s human rights. Hitchens passed away Thursday, succumbing to cancer at the age of 62.

In this video, Hitchens highlighted some of the issues he had with the Iranian government. While he speaks to the unrest among the Iranian people, he very eloquently frames many of the issues that have arisen as a result of the decisions of the Mullahs.

Hitchens, well beyond the understanding of every GOP candidate other than Ron Paul, comprehends the difference between the Iranian people and the Iranian government. Unfortunately, Hitchens advocated U.S. intervention in Iran as he believed the same Iranian government presenting the biggest threat to the Iranian people, he considered the Iranian leadership to be madmen. Hitchens, it bears mentioning, was a passionate atheist.

The video closes with Hitchens asking a question. Which is a bigger threat? A nuclear Iran or an Iran told they cannot be allowed to possess nuclear weapons.

By and large the rest of the GOP stands with the late Mr. Hitchens who is, far and away, much better at explaining the issue, though he comes up short of presenting a solution. In the following video, he again highlights the many issues behind the feared combination of Iran and nuclear.

For Hitchens, Israel a pseudo-theocracy, doesn’t present as much of a threat for having nuclear weapons because the government treats the citizens better. An interesting philosophy, but I won’t speak ill of the recently deceased. (unless it’s Teddy Kennedy, he earned it, RIH Teddy)

Ron Paul, however, appeals to those who are tired of war. Though the Republican hawks of a strong national security policy including preemption are popular amongst a specific sector of the Republican base, the rest of the nation has grown tired of being at war. Not only does Paul speak against the tough talk the rest of the candidates are willing to have broadcast around the world, including, one assumes, to Iran; he has stated repeatedly he wants to end all foreign aid, including to Israel, in order to allow sovereign nations to work with each to resolve their differences.

He went toe-to-toe with Bachmann last night and accurately called her out for drumming up war propaganda much as the Bush Administration did before going into Iraq for weapons of mass destruction they, “knew without a doubt” Saddam Hussein’s government possessed.

Bachmann states with certainty that were Iran to attain a nuclear weapon they would wipe Israel off the map and would use it to attack the U.S. The problem with that statement is the Israelis, without U.S. interference, have proven perfectly capable of defending their own borders. Not only are they capable, but they are entirely willing.

The withdrawal of the U.S. government from the Middle East would force the rest of the nations with strategic interests to assist in the peacemaking process. We’re currently paying Egypt to play nice with Israel, while borrowing every penny from China. Huh?

Ron Paul is the sole candidate for peace between the two parties. This alone gives him broad appeal neither the sitting president, nor any of the other GOP candidates have with independent, third party and unaffiliated voters, you know, the people who actually decide general elections.

Now what’s interesting is Congress, that is the senate and the House of Representatives, may have provided a major boost to Ron Paul’s campaign this week with the passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Appropriations Authorization, which includes language allowing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism or supporting terrorism without trial, charge or counsel.

Meaning if the Dept. of Justice brands you a suspected terrorist in a year because you fall under one of these descriptions, you may very well land on Guantanamo Bay without anyone knowing. Yes, this is the extreme interpretation, yes, it is appropriate to look at any law generated by Congress in the most extreme situation possible because they sure as hell aren’t doing it.

Last of all, after the debate in the spin room, Sean Hannity, another talking head at Fox News who doesn’t like the idea of a true pacifist unwilling to flaunt the Constitution in order to send American military to other parts of the world to preemptively attack possible future threats, interviewed Ron Paul.

Hannity isn’t someone I like, in fact, I think he and virtually everyone at Fox News aside from Judge Andrew Napolitano are scum. O’Reilly, Hannity, et al, are neocon right wing hacks who would gladly vote for the downright evil Dick Cheney were he to run for office again.

The tone of Hannity’s interview is similar to Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and the other moderators who really are doing everything they can to paint Paul as unelectable. They continue to press him to say he will put the party before his principles and the man is steadfastly refusing, as he damned well should. The rest of the Republican Party has no integrity to speak of.

What the propaganda arm of the Republican Party forgets (talking about Fox News) is a significant portion of Americans are disenfranchised not only with the Democrat with no discernible record who said he would bring “hope & change” to D.C., but with the Republicans who only found the religion of lower spending and lower taxes after a Democrat took the White House.

You folks just don’t seem to get it. We’re tired of picking between the bowl of poo and its reflection in the mirror, if many of us had our way, everybody in D.C. would be fired aside from the Pauls, Dennis Kucinich and Bernie Sanders. I can’t stand Sanders myself, but he’s consistent in his ability to be on the wrong side of many issues. The rest of the politicians are far too much like Romney & Gingrich, flip flopping depending on the audience.

If you’re disgusted by the passage of the indefinite detention act, if you’re tired of choosing between politicians instead of leaders and if you really want to piss off either the Democrats or Republicans, donate to Ron Paul’s moneybomb today here. This man may very well be the last hope of the Constitution.


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Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Congress Declares War on American Citizens As Fox News Continues War on Ron Paul

As the state of the American political system declines even further into Orwellian depths, the House on Wednesday passed a National Defense Appropriations Authorization or NDAA that includes two riders that have been interpreted as draconian measures allowing, wait for it, the indefinite detention of suspected terrorists without trial, charge or counsel.

Now, for those who have paid any attention at all to the goings on of Washington the last decade, you already know they’ve been carrying out this very same act in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The problem is, these riders in essence allow for this to happen to American citizens on U.S. soil and they designate the U.S. as part of the global battlefield, meaning the federal U.S. military will have the authority to carry out what have been the duties of law enforcement since Posse Comitatus was signed into law.

The uproar on Facebook was actually somewhat inspiring for a Constitution advocate such as myself. It was refreshing to see so many people broken out of their everyday stupor by something as destructive to civil liberties as this bill. In about two hours, I had a dozen devout liberals tell me if Zero signs the bill into law they will vote for Ron Paul if given the opportunity.

Which brings me to the vile and fetid stench of Fox News. It comes as no surprise the mainstream media believes they are best qualified to declare who will and will not be nominated by the Republican establishment. The problem is, for the last century the people have listened to the mainstream media and they certainly listened to Fox News in 2008 and they were reasonably and appropriately disgusted with the party’s choice of John McCain (the very same John McCain who introduced the NDAA referenced above I might add).

This year, Ron Paul’s supporters have taken on the task of slaying the dragon of the media’s endorsement. Saying, in effect and to quote Nigel Farage, “Who in the bloody hell do you people think you are?!” Fox News has every right to conduct themselves as the farcical news organization they’ve embraced becoming. Here we have Chris “Hater” Wallace, explaining to Neil Cavuto and attempting to discourage anyone with an open mind from voting for Dr. Paul because Rupert Murdoch does not want a Constitutional champion like Paul in the Oval Office.

They’ll gleefully support an immoral, flip flopping, inconsistent, blowhard, condescending, hypocritical jackal like Newt Gingrich or the perpetual also-ran Mitt Romney, who started campaigning for the Oval Office in 1984. They’ll also go out of their way to televise the hijacked Tea Party rallies calling for Constitutional adherence, limited government, lower taxes and the like.

But when Ron Paul comes along, advocating Constitutional adherence, limited government and lower taxes, they literally portray him as unelectable. Well I’ve got news for you Fox News, and particularly you Chris Wallace, you arrogant sensationalist scum, the Independents and unaffiliated are going to decide this election, as will many of the Democrats. And guess what?

They don’t like Gingrich or Romney. They like the guy who wants Americans to know their government isn’t going to throw them in the clink for a decade for espousing Libertarian views.

For the record, and because it is not possible to refuse Chuck Norris, a video showing how much support Ron Paul really does have.

Notice how every, single, GOP candidate, has taken ideas straight from Ron Paul?

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Filed under Democrats, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Ron Paul and Tim Tebow Both Poll More Favorable Than the Rest of the GOP

What a difference a week makes. Just over a week after Herman Cain dropped out of the race due to previous decisions in life coming back to haunt him, give Mitt Romney credit for firing the landscaping company who was employing illegals on his lawn a few years ago, Newt Gingrich has taken a major hit to his poll numbers and Ron Paul’s campaign just continues to carry on with tortoise-like determination.

Avoiding the roller coaster that infected every other GOP candidate apart from former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, Paul’s numbers have consistently trended upward since, quite honestly, the 2008 election. Unlike the other candidates in either party, when voters educate themselves on his consistency and message, they find someone they will fervently stand behind regardless of the flavor of the month candidates.

Public Policy Polling showed in this poll, not only is Paul steadily on the rise, but Romney is treading water, as is former Gov. Rick Perry and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Interestingly enough, apparently following the incredible final 10 minutes of play against the Chicago Bears on Sunday, Tim Tebow, beloved quarterback of our Denver Broncos, polled better than the rest of the GOP candidates. Making the idea of a Paul/Tebow ticket potentially unbeatable, as long as no one has to operate a pro-style offense for the first three quarters anyway.

With several mainstream websites noticing Paul’s campaign now within 1 percentage point of Iowa polls, even his legislative ideas are receiving more credence than normal.

This story broke on the Examiner website today, in which Paul calls for the termination and charge of Attorney General Eric Holder for knowingly allowing firearms to cross into Mexico in Operation Fast & Furious.

I’ve thought there’s tremendous potential for entire sections of the federal government to face charges under the RICO act, I would love to see everyone in the know under both the DOJ and the ATF face felony charges for this.

And I’ll keep dreaming.

Finally, some video from last weekend’s debate in Iowa. Ron Paul teed off on the rest of the candidates like they were house balls at the driving range.

He completely neuters Newt, though he could have been assertive and gained major points from those who criticize his lack of strong oration skills, but the content was there. Gingrich was forced to acknowledge to the voters, he’d taken nearly $2 million of taxpayer money advising Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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Filed under National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Jenyne Butterfly Undisputed Pole Dancing Champion of the Universe

I typically reserve this space for politics, but I’m going to throw in a little social commentary on this one. Yesterday I saw the video posted below and was awestruck. The response Jenyne is receiving online is deserved. She demonstrates the American work ethic that once was widespread, but it’s virtually disappeared. I’d like to see half of my friends put the level of work into anything as she put in to become this talented.


Wow. All I can really say. This is just an otherworldly talent at work.

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