Tag Archives: Red Sox

Santorum Supporters Ensure Ron Paul’s Colorado Delegate Coup Catches Attention of Mainstream Press

The Colorado and Minnesota Republican conventions were held this weekend and despite the press having declared Mitt Romney the GOP nominee seemingly in early 2009, the events did not go as planned for the Republican Party.

Though it’s certainly impossible to tell with any degree of certainty how all of this is going to play out, one thing is for sure, Ron Paul’s campaign is organized, intelligent, informed and savvy. They obviously spent a great deal of time learning the rules and they have come to this game to play.

I fully expect the GOP to come out with guns blazing henceforth, the party’s power brokers are no more interested in a Paul presidency than the Yankees and Red Sox are in seeing a Royals/Diamondbacks World Series.

The most interesting effect of the conventions (Paul/Santorum delegates took 20 of 33 primary delegate slots including two slots on the rule making committee and the Delegation Chairman) was forcing the mainstream press (Old Media) to finally catch up to what many of those seeking accurate and timely information online (New Media) have known for quite some time, Romney hasn’t won anything substantive yet. The Examiner’s story is here and The Denver Post‘s piece here.

Far be it from me to suggest a conspiracy, but the Old Media continues to treat this like every other election, it’s not. This is different. The economy is still in the crapper, the president who promised to uphold the Constitution and civil liberties has become the most pro-war president of the last century and has authorized the assassination and indefinite detention of American citizens. In the meantime, many people have recognized the odorous emanations indicating something is rotten in D.C. and have begun seeking information in the New Media.

What have they found? Transcripts, interviews, speeches, writings, sound bites and a multitude of user-generated content showing Dr. Paul isn’t just a legitimate threat to Mitt Romney’s nomination, he is a direct threat to the establishment of crony capitalism, indefinite wars, Constitutional rights violations, interventionist foreign policies, etc. A number of very wealthy people who have become even more wealthy by buying the legislators and executives of the last several decades stand to lose a lot of future income with a Paul presidency.

I sincerely believe this is partially to blame for the media’s blackout treatment. Ron Paul’s coalition in Minnesota? Took nine of nine delegate seats. A sweep. The GOP rewrote the rules of the caucuses to ensure Mitt Romney wouldn’t lose the southern states for being Mormon. They created the system, Ron Paul is using their rules against them.

Observe the “unelectable” Ron Paul at Texas A&M:

You think Mitt Romney is going to have a crowd this size anywhere in the US? UCLA filled their tennis stadium to capacity and turned people away, Texas A&M? They haven’t had attendance like this for anything outside of Kyle Stadium in a very long time, I’m sure.

In the midst of introducing Dr. Paul, the student body president shared a story. When he won the election last spring, Dr. Paul’s granddaughter informed him he was going to get a call and he was going to want to answer it. Ron Paul was on the other end congratulating him for his win.

Would Newt, Rick or Mitt do anything like that? Clown Zero in D.C. wouldn’t do something like that without issuing a press release. Dr. Paul is exactly the type of president we have always needed. A tough, idealistically consistent everyman dedicated to enforcing his oath to “Support and defend the Constitution …” both during his time in the USAF and his time as a Congressman.

This isn’t over folks. And at the absolute worst, we’re going to fire a warning shot to the rotten two party monopoly. It started before the news of the conventions.


Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul