Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Cannot Win in November, Gary Johnson Can

Gary Johnson was term-limited as a Republican Governor in a state with 2:1 ratio of Democrat to Republican. He climbed Everest with a broken leg, he balanced the state budget and removed onerous obstacles stifling small business growth and job creation. He makes no claims to have created any jobs and he has no interest in attacking Iran. He’s against the drug war which has had an disparately negative effect on minorities despite nearly identical drug use rates for Caucasians.

He doesn’t stick his foot in his mouth at every opportunity. He isn’t a puppet of Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street. He wasn’t born to a wealthy family fortune. In other words, he’s everything Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney claims to be but isn’t.

And today a petition went out, which stands nearly no chance whatsoever of succeeding, demanding the Romney campaign recognize they can’t possibly win the election (primarily without the Ron Paul/liberty/young voters they disenfranchised in Tampa in August) and step aside in order to give Gary Johnson a clear path to the White House.

Sign and share below:


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Filed under Democrats, Gary Johnson, Libertarians, National Politics, Republicans

Ron Paul Delegate Success Harasses GOP into Threatening to Break Party Rules; Why Reality TV Fans Should Follow The Republican Primary

Ron Paul’s successes in the last month have gotten under the skin of the GOP. As their shenanigans to counter his success will undoubtedly gather steam in short order (they’ve already started), Ben Swann of Cincinnati’s Fox 19 Evening News exposed a few facts inconvenient to the GOP’s agenda of a Romney nomination.

Something awesome, this was comes.

For those of you who have a tendency to lean toward reality television or other pseudo-scripted drama, you want to start paying attention to the Republican Party process through the August convention in Tampa. Ron Paul had a very straightforward, open, declared and practical plan for the primary process and it’s paying dividends.

This letter was sent to the Maine state delegates and alternates this week.

When the pine beetles infested Colorado forests a few years back (they proceeded to decimate the forests and continue to do so), the pine trees responded to attacks by attempting to “bleed” out the parasites by pushing sap out as a natural defense. The eventual effect is the pine tree is dead, dry and standing tinder waiting to be knocked over by high winds or burnt to ashes by wildfire.

Rachel Maddow continues to be the only big time talking head willing to report the Paul campaign victories with veracity.

The Republican pine forests are becoming awful red.

Just for pure entertainment, this highly amusing clip of Shepherd Smith announcing Newt Gingrich’s campaign suspension.

Politics … is weird … and creepy.

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Filed under National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

And Then There Were Two: Gingrich Drops Out, the Entire Republican Party Machine is Now Focused on Suppressing the Paul Campaign

Newt’s gone. This has easily surpassed the most attention I’ve ever given to a nomination process and it hasn’t disappointed for frustration with the media and voters. At times I’ve had to remind myself how insurmountable the odds have been against a Ron Paul nomination. I make no bones about it.

I sincerely believe if Paul emerged as the nominee in Tampa, the GOP would discretely support the sitting president rather than have an anti-statist, anti-interventionist, strict-constructionist like Ron Paul potentially influencing generations of voters to come with his message of peace, love, controlled spending, non-intervention and liberty.

So through all the crap scattered by the party fan hoping for anyone but Mitt, Dr. Paul has emerged still speaking to his message, still packing in the crowds of young voters eager to hear a message of true and dedicated change and still raising money. He’s not going anywhere and why should he? Because the same GOP and propaganda arm Fox News say he should?

This is a party that wholly abandoned their principles in 2001 and have drifted left at maximum warp ever since. They don’t want to admit it, cretins like Dick Morris scoff when Paul accurately labels him a statist. Sorry Dick, but when you advocated drug testing every high school student in America, you were advocating statism.

What do we have left? Two indistinguishable left-of-center Ivy League educated, well-connected, TBTF bank supported puppets bickering over who will command the military, appoint judges and ignore Constitutional restraints from 2013-2017. Wonderful. At least we can count on Mitt to pick a solid VP from the myriad smorgasbord of potential candidates right?

Wrong. Marco Rubio, another RINO, gave a speech that indicates what most of the awakened Americans already knew, the Republican Party is just as incompetent and horrible for the country as their Democrat counterparts.

He gave this speech yesterday at the Brookings Institute and by all rights he advocated the a foreign policy so interventionist it would make J. Edgar Hoover weep for joy. It makes George Orwell look like the architect for modern government, rather than an author who warned us.

Pay attention to the specific language Rubio used, “I always start by reminding people that what happens all over the world is our business,” he said. This is a potential candidate for VP suggesting the federal government of the US has a need, nevermind a right, to know what is going on all over the world. He specifically identified tiny hamlets in Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen.

What?! It’s difficult to remain calm knowing these are the people making decisions that effect us all, but the American people began voting for the services politicians promised to provide with other people’s money when FDR came to power and that’s really all you need to know. We collectively have not shown any interest in voting for candidates who reflect sound moral conscience.

The parties encourage this behavior of course. In New York this week a county chairman for the GOP robocalled voters saying every candidate had dropped out except Mitt Romney. Dr. Paul is still in the race, still raising money and still racking up the delegates, so why would they lie?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing circles the wagons of the status quo like a threat to their power. Sound money, non-intervention, the end of bailouts, massive and substantive spending cuts, the end of cronyism and a non-puppet president would be devastating to the corporations and banks who have had their hand in the puppets for the last several decades.

They would have to generate a profit using sound business principles instead of having the two party system legislate new moral hazards that remove the liability from failure. Ron Paul doesn’t want to put them out of business, but he certainly plans to put the lobbyists and special interests on long-term vacation. His veto pen would be kept warm from friction with this Ship of Fools in Congress.

Congratulations Dr. Paul, you outlasted every RINO but one and now they’re going to have to cheat to keep you from making one hell of a fine mess in Tampa. Cleanup on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Next up? Let’s see what happens in Texas. The backyard of Rick Perry, Shrub and Hedge is Paul’s neighborhood, but don’t expect the GOP to pay fair. The game plan is to toss the rule book and do whatever it takes to put the Goldman Sachs puppet up against … the other Goldman Sachs puppet.

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Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

President Zero Makes More Mathematically Impossible Promises Resulting in a Boost to Ron Paul’s Allure

Boy that Ivy League Goldman Sachs Puppet knows how to stir up a crowd of delusional liberals doesn’t he? In case you missed the stopover in Boulder, Colorado last night, the floundering president stopped in to speak to his adoring masses in the People’s Republic and made more promises with other people’s money.

Speaking to the growing concerns of college students from coast-to-coast that his generation may have accidentally-on-purpose duped them into thinking everyone was not only entitled to higher education, but shouldn’t have to borrow money in order to achieve it, the campaign promises flowed aplenty.

Far be it from to criticize such an accomplished individual as his Zeroship, but this man couldn’t balance a checkbook given a calculator and three days. He suggested (keep in mind Boulder is 30 square miles surrounded by reality) to the known liberal stronghold the Buffalo call home, that although times are tougher for this generation of students, the money they are obligated to pay on their student loans would be better used reviving the economy.

The reaction from the crowd of lemmings? Cheers. This couldn’t be a more clear example of exactly what’s wrong with this nation. The incumbent liberal president suggesting more free services from a government that’s so far in the red “massively overextended” would be an immeasurable improvement.

But he didn’t stop there, oh no, doing his best Max Pruss impersonation the president stated, “We cannot price the middle class out of getting an education,” he said. “Higher education shouldn’t be a luxury.”

These claims coming from a man who has never actually put his education to work in the fields in which he graduated would be laughable if they weren’t indicative of his total disconnect from the economic situation, history and what the modern liberal interpretation of Keynes’ theories have done to the country.

Not one to sit around on his laurels when there’s campaigning and new toys to play with, the wizard of no-math informed the crowd that a bound to be successful ploy to distract young voters from his utter failure to accomplish anything he promised just four years ago was launching as a White House pet project.

#DontDoubleMyRate is the hashtag they plan to use to raise awareness. It seems a number of young voters who voluntarily borrowed money for school no longer wish to pay that money back at the agreed-upon rates.

The president suggested the American people need to invest in building America for the long-term. Investing in, “things like — education,” the jester suggested. For America’s strongest financial growth, never mind the facts, definitely did not take place during a time when blue collar jobs were a strong path to the middle class.

We can’t afford to correct the real problems in this country, out of control spending, interventionist foreign policy, massive waste and fraud in federal spending, acting as a puppet for the banks, you know, business as usual; so we’re going to offer the young voters who want a free lunch a free lunch and the older voters who don’t want changes to Medicare and Social Security the status quo and we’ll just let the president elected in 2016 deal with it.

A rhetorical question, is it feasible that someone could be both eloquent and not particularly well-educated? Coming out of the Ivy League most people assume graduates to be rather intelligent. Have you ever read the First Lady’s thesis from Princeton? Here’s a digital version, here’s the scanned version.

Is this the quality of writing we are willing to accept from graduates of Ivy League universities when they purport themselves to be the best of the best?

It’s become fashionable in the media to accuse anyone critical of the president and First Lady of being racist. However, I absolutely could care less about anyone’s skin color when it comes to the destruction of the Republic of the US of A. I despised this president’s predecessor as well as his and they were as white as Larry Bird. As far as I’m concerned the Ivy League is to blame for the state of this nation as well as the military service academies.

But let us assume for a moment that the thesis of the First Lady can be used as an indicator for how well educated her husband is. When he says something like, “We’re here because someone somewhere made an investment in each other,” adding that he’s dedicated to investing in students and making sure they have the opportunities he did.

Is it not a valid assumption that perhaps he doesn’t actually know anything significant about how to run anything? What has he ever actually been responsible for? She was an absolute disaster on the national stage and I roll my eyes when I hear her name, but do you realize Caribou Barbie herself was governor of the largest state in the union?

That was more responsibility than the current president ever had in his life prior to beating Old Man River and his running mate the Exxon Valdez in 2008. An election to a position, I might add, he voluntarily pursued and has spent the majority of his administration blaming his predecessor for not making better before departing.

There exists a disconnect between the two parties and the rest of the country. The two parties know they only really care about staying in power and the rest of the country thinks the parties care about the effects of what they have to do to achieve that end. Mitt Romney isn’t a threat to the status quo. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are the status quo.

As he was giving his speech promising free higher education and happiness to the middle class, the below meme was posted on the Veterans for Ron Paul Facebook page. We have to learn the lessons of FDR and Jimmy Carter. Politicians cannot continue to use our own money against us people.

They cannot provide us with anything we cannot do ourselves. In fact, they are no different from most Americans with the exception of the fact most Americans don’t think they deserve to sit on the right hand of God. I don’t want a politician who promises the federal government will do more for me. It’s been around 236 years for crying out loud. Take a break! You’re doing it wrong!

Stop believing the hype kids. He has nothing to offer you but empty promises that lead to ruin. He is a shell of what he claims to be, you can do more for yourself with hard work and determination than any politician will do for you with someone else’s money.

(all quotes attributed to The Rocky Mountain Collegian’s Facebook page, viewed here)

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Ron Paul Wins Iowa and Minnesota Colorado Delegates to the Chagrin of the Mainstream Media … and Mitt Romney Meanwhile Marine Major Christopher Miller Goes Viral

Despite the media and Republican Party having declared Mitt Romney the GOP nominee for the 2012 presidential election, fewer than half of the states have actually chosen their delegates for the convention in Tampa in August.

However, the media has done not a middling job, not a mediocre job, but a horrendous job of reporting the nomination process for this year’s primary and caucus season. Several states have non-binding straw votes on the day of their caucuses, Ron Paul hasn’t yet won a primary or caucus vote though it bears mentioning, voter fraud is strongly suspected in Alaska, Maine and Nevada.

Despite this perceived lack of electability on behalf of the GOP and media, the Paul campaign has persisted on both their message of a clear delegate strategy and demonstrating they know what they’re talking about.

As I wrote in this post last week, Santorum’s supporters have teamed up with Dr. Paul’s and have adopted a “anyone but Mitt” mentality. Ostensibly this won’t include Newt, but what it has done is upset the Romney apple cart.

Witness the highly amused Rachel Maddow admitting Ron Paul has won Iowa.

Notice how dubious she seems that Iowa has selected their third caucus winner for 2012? Maddow is one of the few hosts known to give Paul adequate time to explain his nuanced views and she credits his consistency of message.

The compliment from the majority of talking heads (who have given him any opportunity to speak at length) is he makes you think and he’s never been accused of pandering to gain voters. His message is the same now as it was in the late ’70s but now his predictions have been proven accurate and his message is spreading thanks to the internet.

CNBC’s Squawk Box had Dr. Paul as a guest co-host this weekend and despite him not quite doing as well as I would have liked during the argument with Stephen Roach (the dollar has lost 96 percent of its purchasing power since 1913), they did give him a hell of a lot of air time and is worth the watch. He really did push the buttons of the co-hosts throughout the show.

We’re not willing to support one statist over another. Yes, we see the narcissism, if not the naked messianic complex, of the president and the damage he’s likely to do if reelected. However, we have utterly no reason to believe Mitt Romney, who is already bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs, will be any different.One of the more popular videos this past weekend prior to the Iowa news and the Squawk Box hosting was of Marine Major Christopher Miller declaring definitively the problems he sees with voting for Romney, from whom the Obama administration has taken much of their strategy, over Obama. These are the sentiments of virtually every Ron Paul supporter.

He’s got the support of the military and he’s got the most passionate and dedicated supporters of any candidate and he’s not going anywhere.

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Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Ron Paul is the Candidate for 4/20 Supporters

Today and as I write this, stoners, pot-heads, dopers, hippies and the like shall celebrate their support and involvement in pot culture by sparking up in public though many still in private.

Something this massive group of people who would support him just for this pragmatic stance on the drug war won’t think about is their presidential candidate. However, this year it’s no contest amongst the three Republicans nor even the lone Democrat for this personal liberty.

Ron Paul is an adamant critic of the costly and egregiously stupid War on Drugs. (or more appropriately the, “protecting the profit margins of major pharmaceutical and alcoholic beverage companies against less controlled substances they can’t profit from”-war.)

There cannot be a bigger freedom than doing what you want, with your own body as long as it doesn’t hurt or risk hurting other people. Beyond that foundation of his argument against the drug war, Paul also cites the fact if it’s going to be a law, it should be up to the states, but certainly not the federal government, because it’s not in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

He additionally calls for an end to the drug war purely because it isn’t working. It isn’t worth the cost to put money into the hands of criminal organizations untaxed by the same arm of government that’s trying to stop it from coming in. Cut the drug spending, stop filling the prisons, stop doing it in the name of “public good” when entire sections of major cities are known to be high-crime simply because you’ve funded these criminal organizations and their operations in areas with low-education, low-income families.

You’ve created this mess federal government. And part of the reason the Republicans are doing their best to sabotage any chance he has in the very state the last “D.C. outsider” Caribou Barbie was plucked from, is because at very high levels, those profitable drug companies are plugged directly into the two parties and have a powerful influence on our greedy, stupid and neutered politicians.

Palin, btw, is exactly what the Republicans want and Americans somehow convince themselves is a good person to run a country of 300 million. She’s not, she’s just not up for it folks. She’d have tanks in the streets in months.

I digress. For those of you inclined to spark one up today, or even those of you who support their right to, you want to look into Ron Paul. He’s the only one with the right solutions. Mitt Romney? He and Clown Zero are the chocolate and vanilla flavor of the same cookie.

You couldn’t tell these apart any better than you could a blind taste test of equestrian and bovine poop, and you shouldn’t and don’t have to, because there’s a perfectly delicious option on the plate this year if you can get your poop in a group longer than the four hours and twenty minutes your high will last today.

Ron Paul wants to end the war on drugs. Know what he thinks about our friend cannabis specifically? Less dangerous than alcohol. Right?! Like where’ve you been all my life?! Total brocrush on Doc. Ron Paul is the warning your parents should have fired to the status quo in the 60s and 70s. Ron Paul is the defender of the Constitution. Don’t vote for another Goldman Sachs/GM/Pfizer puppet.

Get registered Republican if there’s still time to for your primary or caucus and get in to be a delegate. You’re not bound in most states to the candidate who wins your straw poll but check with the Paul campaign staff in your state. Put your money behind the candidate you think is best for personal choices and protections at the federal level.

Dr. Paul’s first act in office would be to pardon everyone in prison for a non-violent, drug-related crime. Know what that’s going to do for spending? The economy with organized crime losing most of their profits overnight? You’ve also just made the price of marijuana about 1/10 what it is now, less actually. I was told an ounce goes for around $15 in Amsterdam just last night by a friend from Holland. How insane is that?!

Of course, naturally some states would ban everything again, (hello Utah! hello Bible Belt!), but most wouldn’t bother with weed unless it was to tax it, which is fair if the alcohol tax is fair, which it’s mostly state, so, yeah, maybe. At any rate. you know what to do. Enjoy the day, go get em Monday.

The current administration blames American gun stores and companies for the violence in Mexico between drug gangs. South and Central America want the U.S. to consider another direction on the drug war. Zero laughed in their faces and said it’s not happening. Ron Paul? He knows the Mexican drug cartels wouldn’t have any power if the federal drug laws didn’t exist. (Nevermind the role his administration played in many of those firearms making it to Mexico in Operation Fast & Furious)

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Filed under Democrats, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Santorum Supporters Ensure Ron Paul’s Colorado Delegate Coup Catches Attention of Mainstream Press

The Colorado and Minnesota Republican conventions were held this weekend and despite the press having declared Mitt Romney the GOP nominee seemingly in early 2009, the events did not go as planned for the Republican Party.

Though it’s certainly impossible to tell with any degree of certainty how all of this is going to play out, one thing is for sure, Ron Paul’s campaign is organized, intelligent, informed and savvy. They obviously spent a great deal of time learning the rules and they have come to this game to play.

I fully expect the GOP to come out with guns blazing henceforth, the party’s power brokers are no more interested in a Paul presidency than the Yankees and Red Sox are in seeing a Royals/Diamondbacks World Series.

The most interesting effect of the conventions (Paul/Santorum delegates took 20 of 33 primary delegate slots including two slots on the rule making committee and the Delegation Chairman) was forcing the mainstream press (Old Media) to finally catch up to what many of those seeking accurate and timely information online (New Media) have known for quite some time, Romney hasn’t won anything substantive yet. The Examiner’s story is here and The Denver Post‘s piece here.

Far be it from me to suggest a conspiracy, but the Old Media continues to treat this like every other election, it’s not. This is different. The economy is still in the crapper, the president who promised to uphold the Constitution and civil liberties has become the most pro-war president of the last century and has authorized the assassination and indefinite detention of American citizens. In the meantime, many people have recognized the odorous emanations indicating something is rotten in D.C. and have begun seeking information in the New Media.

What have they found? Transcripts, interviews, speeches, writings, sound bites and a multitude of user-generated content showing Dr. Paul isn’t just a legitimate threat to Mitt Romney’s nomination, he is a direct threat to the establishment of crony capitalism, indefinite wars, Constitutional rights violations, interventionist foreign policies, etc. A number of very wealthy people who have become even more wealthy by buying the legislators and executives of the last several decades stand to lose a lot of future income with a Paul presidency.

I sincerely believe this is partially to blame for the media’s blackout treatment. Ron Paul’s coalition in Minnesota? Took nine of nine delegate seats. A sweep. The GOP rewrote the rules of the caucuses to ensure Mitt Romney wouldn’t lose the southern states for being Mormon. They created the system, Ron Paul is using their rules against them.

Observe the “unelectable” Ron Paul at Texas A&M:

You think Mitt Romney is going to have a crowd this size anywhere in the US? UCLA filled their tennis stadium to capacity and turned people away, Texas A&M? They haven’t had attendance like this for anything outside of Kyle Stadium in a very long time, I’m sure.

In the midst of introducing Dr. Paul, the student body president shared a story. When he won the election last spring, Dr. Paul’s granddaughter informed him he was going to get a call and he was going to want to answer it. Ron Paul was on the other end congratulating him for his win.

Would Newt, Rick or Mitt do anything like that? Clown Zero in D.C. wouldn’t do something like that without issuing a press release. Dr. Paul is exactly the type of president we have always needed. A tough, idealistically consistent everyman dedicated to enforcing his oath to “Support and defend the Constitution …” both during his time in the USAF and his time as a Congressman.

This isn’t over folks. And at the absolute worst, we’re going to fire a warning shot to the rotten two party monopoly. It started before the news of the conventions.


Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

The Media’s Blackout of Ron Paul Has Gone Openly Hostile Ignoring Chico St., UC Berkeley and UCLA Rallies

The corporate media owned by mega-corporations and the mainstream “old media” (newspapers, radio, broadcast TV) have done a horrendous job of covering Ron Paul’s campaign. Just this week the loathsome Party Propaganda Machine Fox News rolled out this bovine fecal matter in their usual underhandedness ensuring “Fair and Balanced” remains a punchline to the informed.

Their claim is that Ron Paul’s campaign has “gone dark” and held only one campaign event so far this month. Note the date of April 4th with the weekend starting on the 1st. To see any of the cable news channels as legitimate informers is the height of lunacy. Not only has the mainstream press wholly abandoned accurate reporting for all of the candidates (Sen. Frothy & the Team Vatican pulls the majority of attention not already purchased by Gov. Robot & Team Temple), they’re now blatantly ignoring major stories.

This week Ron Paul held rallies at Chico St., UCLA and UC Berkeley. To say he rocked all three of these places would be a massive understatement. Paul drew over 6,000 to his rally at Chico St., 8,000 to his final rally at UC Berkeley and some estimates are placing his attendance at UCLA at over 10,000, check out the capacity crowd. Fire marshals wouldn’t let at least another 1,000 into the stadium and the trees in pictures are filled with attendees.

When Mitt Romney played to an empty Detroit Lions Football Stadium, the story gathered much coverage.

So what gives? The delegate count is completely unknown. The straw votes at the caucuses were non-binding and Paul still landed 2nd in the majority of the state party counts. His campaign’s strategy of having supporters get locked in as delegates is sneaky, and if the brokered convention becomes a reality in August, could pay massive dividends. I suspect a much higher number of delegates will shift to Dr. Paul if Romney fails to clinch.

Regardless, Ron Paul runs on the platform of threatening the status quo. He not only embraces this, he’s using it as a trampoline from which he flies into the air in front of the young disenfranchised former-party voters with both middle fingers extended to the corporate and banking owners of the government and politicians Occupy Wall St. finds so detestable.

A Ron Paul presidency would directly undermine the pocketbooks of most of the ultra-wealthy who control the cable media directly and in Rupert Murdoch’s case, some of the old media as well. This is why the open distaste for Paul is so nakedly obvious on Fox News. In a debate with Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Chris Wallace, Ron Paul would go off on the three of them like the ’92 Dream Team went off on the world in the Barcelona Olympics.

Which explains why this week, the same day the Texan broke records in California, Fox News slides out a sensationalist piece of flotsam designed to pull in the non-thinking voters they’ve come to depend on for revenue. It’s sad really, we have two parties of misinformation fighting for control of a government they don’t actually run directly regardless and the press charged with reporting the facts is nowhere to be seen.

Gerald Celente, head of the Trends Research Institute, predicted in 2010 that an “Internet Candidate” would emerge in 2012 to challenge the two party system. This is without a doubt, going to be Ron Paul as I foresee massive fraud taking place in Tampa in August. Make no mistake, the GOP would rather talk George Bush Sr. out of retirement to run for another term than have Ron Paul at the top of their ticket. The party and powers that be absolutely despise his anti-statist views.

What’s interesting is the GOP is in total denial about the general election trends of the last several decades. Presidential elections are never decided by the parties’ registered voters who pick the candidate in the primary process. Presidential elections are won by the candidate who motivates the unaffiliated, undecided and third party voters to vote for them. Comrade Zero motivated two groups with traditionally low voter turnout to show up on election day with racial minorities and young voters participating in record numbers and overwhelmingly in his favor.

He wasn’t nominated by either of those two groups.

Ron Paul is the best chance the Republican Party has of winning the November election and the Party power brokers recognize the nightmare for their chokehold on the power represented by Dr. Paul. Don’t look for the Old Media to start covering Paul’s campaign in any substantive or accurate way, nor should you look for cable news (other than Jon Stewart anyway) to show him any respect.

But come August, look to the Gulf side of Florida for fireworks. This fight is far from over and it may very well not be in the hands of the party when it’s all said and done.


Filed under Democrats, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul

Ron Paul’s Campaign Was Misguided from the Beginning

As the Super Tuesday Caucus and Primary results rolled in showing no major surprises with the detestable poster boy for Ultra-Religious Right Wing Bigotry Sen. Froth winning two bible-belt states and North Dakota and Vampire Squid Goldman Sachs’ Manchurian Candidate Romney taking six of the other states while Mr. Morality Fig Newton took Georgia, a state he once represented in the House, a startling thought occurred to me out of the blue.

Ron Paul should never have run for POTUS. Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore the man and I sincerely believe he’s the only honorable man running on a platform of Constitutional adherence and tolerance of others. But the simple truth is, it’s going to take a billion dollars to buy … err … win the Oval Office in 2012 and Dr. Paul’s fervent followers only managed to raise $32 million for this campaign.

The reality of the situation is POTUS is a mostly meaningless political office unless you’re a narcissist like Comrade Zero or Mr. Morality and have the will to simply ignore what Congress does or wants. I’m not certain Romney has the capacity, though I’m certain Frothy does, to simply issue orders in defiance of the Constitution, common sense or any of the other binding laws the last two presidents simply disregarded when they became inconvenient.

So why should Paul have never run? Simple. For $32 million he’s going to spread his message to perhaps another 10 percent of the population actively engaged in politics at best. He’s likely going to have a platform at the RNC in Tampa and may even be granted a major speaking slot, though I doubt the GOP has any desire to allow such an opportunity. Let’s face it, corruption is the stain on both statist parties. The wolves, as the saying goes, are arguing over dinner while the sheep slumber on.

The Republican Party will not allow Paul to win, regardless of how many delegates he gets. So what should he have done differently? He should have harnessed his following and put the $32 million toward winning as many seats in the House as possible. A quick look through opensecrets.org shows the majority of candidates have raised significantly less than a million smackeroos each thus far, a trend which will surely change as we approach the elections in November.

But not all of the seats in the House will go to highly contested seats with significant fund raising campaigns. What I think Paul should have done or should consider doing if his popularity continues to grow in 2014, is push the fund raising as he has for the last 4 years, but instead of focusing on the most powerful office on the planet, he should instead hand-select candidates he trusts to stick to the principles so many of us support out of the districts with candidates raising the least amount of money.

The correlation of fund raising to winning elections is obvious, not impenetrable, but obvious. If you raise more money than your opponent, you’re probably going to win. Thus, the $32 million raised for the 2012 POTUS campaign, might represent as many as 64 seats in the House. Now you want to talk about changing the discourse? The Tea Party hacks like Colorado’s Cory Gardner demonstrating all the Constitutional understanding of a nightcrawler would be shredded on the floor by the Don’t Tread On Me Congressional Caucus.

It might only last one session, but the simple truth is, it’s going to be much easier to take back Congress than the White House and the federal government is intended to be a Congress-run government anyway. War Declarations, the purse strings and the veto-override are all to be found within Article 1. I say it’s time to piss off the statists in both parties and take back the House.

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Bill O’Reilly, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Dick Morris and Sean Hannity vs. Neil Cavuto, Jon Stewart and Ron Paul

As news emerged of Ron Paul’s slow but sure ascent to the top of the Iowa polls, the mainstream media’s efforts to undermine his legitimacy as a candidate slowly accelerated in intensity and rate. For the last several years such luminaries as Charles Krauthammer, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Christopher Wallace and Bret Baier have repeatedly stated without wavering, “Ron Paul is unelectable.” Look no further than Jersey’s own Donald Trump to say Ron Paul can’t win an election (note to the Donald, he’s won 12).

However, just this week, Dick Morris, Republican strategist and former Clinton adviser, had the temerity to say during a radio interview that anyone who supports Ron Paul cannot be a patriot. Yet the military troops donate more to Ron Paul than the rest of the GOP candidates combined. Dick, as my father once said the universe  has a way of making sure the name lands on the right people, first starts by attacking Ron Paul’s views on the Patriot Act.

The unpopularity of the Patriot Act comes from the obvious conclusion most of us reached in 2001, it’s unconstitutional. You would think judging from the way Fox News conducts business, only Democrats want to bypass the Constitution to further their social agenda. Problem is, both parties are culpable in both the recent NDAA which allows for the indefinite detention of Americans without trial, charge or counsel and the Patriot Act. They have subverted the 4th, 5th & 6th Amendments.

Here’s the audio, fast forward to 16:04. What follows is the most idiotic, fearful and prejudiced diatribe on Ron Paul you are likely to ever hear. This goes well beyond the usual, “Ron Paul is unelectable.”

Dick Lives Up To His Name

Dick Morris and the Republican Party are so fearful Ron Paul will win the nomination and take the Oval Office out of the hands of their banking and corporate masters, they have descended into the most hateful attack methods we’ve seen so far. But Morris is dead wrong. Ron Paul did not flame his way to the top like a meteor. His message has won through consistency, persistence and education. The more people learn about the message of liberty, the more they tell their friends. As Gerald Celente predicted, 2012 will be the year of the internet candidate. Followed by some pretty negative news about the economy.

Out the heart of darkness known as Fox News arises Neil Cavuto with a coherent, intelligent, fair and reasoned response to the protectionism of the two-party system Fox News is perpetuating against the anti-establishment and threat to the status quo, Ron Paul. I wouldn’t be even mildly surprised to learn the rest of the channel is taking their orders from on high at Murder Inc. with Rupert Murdoch prone to see a significant decrease in income should Ron Paul win the election.

Not to mention the Republican Party itself despises the message of equality and liberty coming from the Champion of the Constitution after a decade of neoconservative guano crazy governance.

Witness Neil asserting fair and balanced from a channel known for anything but those:

All Ron Paul has asked for and deserves is a chance to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the candidates and the media has decreed themselves the experts on who can or can’t win the election. They have created an ignorant circular logic for their reasoning both in withholding debate time from him during the majority of debates, at one point speaking for 89 seconds of a debate hosted by CBS. Paul isn’t alone in this treatment, though he has been the most victimized, receiving fewer questions and less time than Rick Santorum, the poster boy for bigotry and hatred and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a respectable Republican if ever there was one but consistently in the bottom 3 of polls.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson was told by the New Hampshire Republican Party he hadn’t met their standards for fund raising and poll numbers, thus he wouldn’t be invited to the debate. Johnson’s views are nearly identical to Ron Paul’s, keep this in mind. But what’s nauseating about that philosophy is funds raising and poll numbers are generated from debate performances, as witnessed by the stomach-turning former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich’s policies views are significantly further to the left of center, but his antagonistic approach to the debate mediators, a strong speaking presence and some form of petroleum-based charisma resulted in a bump for him in the polls and fundraising once-darling of the media Herman Cain jumped off the bridge to nowhere with his past wrapped around his neck.

Gingrich’s hypocrisy is truly astounding, yet Wolf Blitzer was nearly wetting himself with anticipation during the CNN debate Blitzer moderated and though the voters would rather vote for anyone other than Romney, he’s received about as much scrutiny from Fox News as the Moon landing.

Perry’s campaign sinks a little further every time he’s called on in a debate and his choices in hunting locations have given rise to some legitimate questions. Michele Bachmann’s hatred for 20 percent of the world’s population doesn’t carry well with the more tolerant Republicans and doesn’t resonate at all with the younger voters in most demographics.

So surprise, surprise, the media uses this week’s rise in Ron Paul’s poll numbers to bring up the old allegations of racism. Some newsletters of Paul’s written in the late 80s and 90s contained inflammatory language with racial statements. Paul has repeatedly disavowed the newsletters as having been ghostwritten and he has ad nauseum, stated he doesn’t support the statements.

Naturally, answering the question multiple times indicates to the press that you must be hiding something, so he was asked again by a CNN reporter this week. He gave the same answer, she asked again, he answered again then became frustrated with the process and ended the interview. It was nothing dramatic and nothing unexpected, the Congressman needs to mentally and emotionally prepare himself for these attacks as he represents a much bigger threat to the establishment than Bill Clinton ever did and we all know that Slick Willy never inhaled.

Regardless, Paul’s supporters so effectively lauded Cavuto for his stand against the media choosing involvement in the nomination process, over their appropriate role of reporting the events of the process, he responded Wednesday night.

I cannot say this any clearer, the press & government are complicit in the corporatism rampant in D.C. The corporations certainly play their part, but it takes a malleable press and a compliant political class for things to get as out of hand as they have. Now we have a candidate running on the platform of principles & Constitutional adherence. And the press can’t attack him enough.

Decide for yourselves if Ron Paul deserves your vote. Ask yourself if you want another corporate puppet like Gingrich or Romney, the two candidates crowned as “electable” by the press, running against the Goldman Sachs puppet currently in the Oval Office.

Do you want the Constitution as a punchline for politicians or do you want the Constitution as a restriction on the federal government? Do you want a press to tell you who they want running the country?

Do you think there’s something wrong when one personality at a major cable news network is standing up for fairness and eradication of bias? How screwed up are we when Jon Stewart really has become a voice of reason in the political sphere?

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Filed under Democrats, Foreign Policy, National Politics, Republican Primary, Ron Paul